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Hydro Excavating

This is the process of using pressurized freshwater sprayed into the ground to loosen it & create a slurry which can then be vacuumed into debris tank on the Hydrovac. The easiest way to explain this on a small scale would be like using a pressure washer wand like a car wash & a shop vacuum. You basically make mud & then vacuum it away to expose buried pipes or cables. 


Pipeline Break Cleanup

This is pretty self-explanatory. If an existing pipeline (underground or above ground) breaks, splits, leaks, etc the contents of the pipeline (if liquid or solids) will need to be cleaned up. Most people these days immediately think of oil spills or bitumen. Well, this is true, but also there is sewage, seeds, food-grade or diluted chemicals, dairy products, syrups, etc. No matter what the spill is, if it has been mixed with the soil & needs to be removed, this is a job for a hydrovac. 


Vacuum Tanker Service

Hydrovacs make great vacuum trucks as they can solely be utilized for moving fluids without having to excavate it. For example, if you have a large swimming pool, it would take the hydrovac only minutes to suck that water into the debris tank. Then the water can be hauled off location as per the customer’s request & unloaded where wanted. This is just one example. Also, if you have a water sensitive environment that you do not want to use water & have loose soil which does not require water stimulation you can suck dry soil onto truck & haul away. One example of this was dry sod for a customer that did not want erosion from water use. We sucked on several loads of dry sod & hauled to clean fill location. A typical vac truck does not have a strong enough vacuum to achieve this. 



There are so many applications for a trench. Typically we trench in new services for electrical. But, at times we are required to get into areas where mechanical excavation can not & we have to build wide trenches for pipelines or even access to underground facilities or people. Some trenches are for foundations or to go under existing structures. Some trenches are specifically built for monitoring ground contaminants from other services for environmental review or monitoring. One other common trench is a slot trench. This is a very narrow trench to specifically verify that no other underground facilities cross an area. It is a very thin trench made only by the digging wand. Sometimes this is to reduce the volume of debris or just speed up the process with the same goal in mind which is to verify there are no underground services existing prior to mechanical digging.


Shoring Installation


Pipeline Excavation



This is exposing all types of underground facilities from pipes to cables to daylight. Any time you expose underground facilities you, in essence, put daylighting on them. When you do this you typically make a hole in the ground providing daylight onto the item like sunlight in your home. Typically daylighting/exposing is our most common activity. After surface locators have estimated the location of underground facilities we daylight or expose them to verify their location & depth so that when mechanical excavation takes place they do not contact them & stay within the legal distance from each one. 


Culvert Cleanouts

This service is the process of removing a blockage, a plug of debris or builds up in a culvert. Under road approaches or waterways, culverts are vast & require a different technique. This includes manually removing sticks, trees, garbage, etc from entryway screens. Also, culverts are prone to freezing & being blocked with ice. Our 1 million BTU boilers heat the freshwater to nearly boiling point to melt these blockages as the snake works its way into the culvert freeing the flow of water similar to Internal Pipe Cleaning.


Internal Pipe Cleaning


This is snaking blocked lines. We can clean the internal pipes with a water pressure self-propelled snake which breaks through debris plugs or build-ups with a jet of water pointing forward. As it pulls itself forward (up to 150') using 6 jets blasting backward. It continues flushing the debris out. This includes but is not limited to septic lines or clogged drainage lines. 


Test Holes





Oil and Gas









Need One Of Them? Give Us a Call Now!


Rippin Edge Hydrovac Services is 100% committed to safely operating in all aspects of our work. We have built up a health & safety program as we have grown. We are very proud of our zero incidents frequency. We are an active member of ACSA which we’ve achieved our SECOR through. We continually look to improve our performance both with accident prevention & managing risks.


Our Services

Hydro Excavating

Vacuum Tanker Service

Mainline Pipeline Cleaning


Pipeline Break Cleanup


Culvert Cleanouts

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Bonnyville, Alberta


24hr Dispatch: 780-812-0092
Fax: 780-815-4949

    © 2018 Rippin Edge. Proudly created by Kali Designs

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